Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Walk a Mile in a Sumo's Flip Flops

They say to really understand someone, you must walk a mile in their shoes. Well it is summer and I avoid wearing shoes as often as possible....So I walked a mile in the flip flops of a Sumo. Here is what I learned:
I learned that your insecurity of how obese you are is nothing compared to the limited clothing you are wearing. Wearing the blue belt, no one is going to tell you how fat you are.

Sumos have a softer side and stopping to smell the flowers is a normal occurance. Stopping to eat the flowers occurs even more often.

The heritage of the Sumo is very important. Where a Sumo comes from is dear to their heart. Unfortunately, the fat fingers make it very difficult to point out where they are from on a map.

Although Sumos sometimes get stereotyped as not smart, I found as a Sumo I actually enjoyed reading. Maybe you have read this book as well?

To keep this sleek figure, snack time has to be creative. I found Hershey Chocolate is a very attractive tween food.

To save money on gas, Sumos will hitchhike. However, seems no one ever stops, walking though is not a viable option.

Sumo prayer time is very important!

Normal activities become a little more challenging as a Sumo. They really need a Sumo Sized toilet.

Please see Sumo approved list of churches. Fellowship is at the top!

Well I found my ride, so I am outta here!! Hope you enjoyed my journey as a SUMO.


Little Oak Table said...

babe. i've never been more proud of you. i know after my post on saturday you were thinking what a catch you married when you married me. but, just so you know, after this post, i'm thinking about what a catch i married when i married you. you is sexy.

Jenny said...

too funny:) I love it!!! man, anna is one lucky girl!

Becke' said...

Where on earth did you GET that thing? Can Kirby borrow it for a youth ministry skit in the near future?