Yes that's right! Would you expect to start out anywhere other than the Bueno? That is where our adventure began Friday afternoon. It was FUN day with Anna's side of the family as her brother was in town with his wife and daughter. Here are some highlights....

Anna and her brother.
Not sure who these three kids were, but they kept asking for money and showing me their tongues as a way to say "more tacos please."
Nana and Papa phase one was to eat out at TB....but the next phase was Incredible!!
Next, we were off to Maumelle to a place called the "Jump Zone."
The kiddos were locked and loaded with anticipation to their adventure. It was difficult for them to sit still for this pic....well except for Jack
We were reminded that Luke has no fear as he tackled the large slides with reckless abandon. He had the time of his life.
Ryan and Yumi who are very photogenic took a break from all the festivities for this pic.
Jack was never put down and Nana and MaMaw took care of his every need, well not every need. :)
G-Dawg, is so smooth, he always dresses for the occasion. I could not believe he called ahead in order to be able to match the equipment. 
Although, Reed was enthusiastic about Taco Bueno, he took a little time to warm up to Jump Zone.
Yep, that is my wife and her sis going through the "tight squeeze" part of the obstacle course!
Ryan got a bit confused with all that was going on. I am not sure if that is an official "murse" or what.

Once home, Papa put on the burgers!! MMMMmmmm Meat!!
Luke and Gage got their skate on!!
Superman says, "Crash and burn, eh Maverick?"
And all the kids played with glow sticks!!
So thanks Nana and Papa for an awesome day of fun and family. Everyone had such an awesome time!!
Even the frog.....