Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fat Camp

So there I was whippin a high schooler in ping pong this morning when I noticed a group of our students laughing and looking my direction. Not a glance, but a stare. The kind of look that screams, "hey we just made fun of you, so thank you for the hearty laugh." Four of our junior and seniors were huddled together making fun of me. I mean was it because I am 32, graying & a have hairline that looks like the American military has invaded and dominated it, but can still hold my own on the 'ol table tennis court? I was wearing my new kicks that are very white, did it make me look like a grandpa? Were they laughing at the fact that I have a hot wife that must have been on pain medicine when she met me? Was my fly open? What?!! Why?!!

So I did what any loving YP would do, I a headlock on each of them until one broke down and spilled the beans. Why you ask was there laughter at my expense? I quote, "Don't hurt me!! All we were saying was 'Shane sure looks skinny! Fat camp really paid off for him.'"

You know, I have always been proud of how observant our students are and how the always speak the truth. We went from headlocks to hugs so it all worked out well. Anyway, I was easily able to forgive them when they photoshopped my head on a very large body of a lad wearing a t-shirt that read, "I beat anorexia." Not one headlock was delivered!

Oh well. Two weeks until round two of fat camp. Hope everyone notices.......or else.


Little Oak Table said...

syou are a mess.

Becke' said...

I saw Sam at Wye Mt. today. I bet she never laughed at you...the perfect youth kiddo!

Samantha said...

Thanks Becke' but I am probably one of the ones that gets to laugh the most at Shane. It's not hard :)

Shane, yep you were my first comment. Basically because I am not really telling people about my blog I just like having one and posting my thoughts.

You aren't very consistent at this blogging thing... I guess you run out of funny things to say awful quick :)