Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fat Camp

So there I was whippin a high schooler in ping pong this morning when I noticed a group of our students laughing and looking my direction. Not a glance, but a stare. The kind of look that screams, "hey we just made fun of you, so thank you for the hearty laugh." Four of our junior and seniors were huddled together making fun of me. I mean was it because I am 32, graying & a have hairline that looks like the American military has invaded and dominated it, but can still hold my own on the 'ol table tennis court? I was wearing my new kicks that are very white, did it make me look like a grandpa? Were they laughing at the fact that I have a hot wife that must have been on pain medicine when she met me? Was my fly open? What?!! Why?!!

So I did what any loving YP would do, I a headlock on each of them until one broke down and spilled the beans. Why you ask was there laughter at my expense? I quote, "Don't hurt me!! All we were saying was 'Shane sure looks skinny! Fat camp really paid off for him.'"

You know, I have always been proud of how observant our students are and how the always speak the truth. We went from headlocks to hugs so it all worked out well. Anyway, I was easily able to forgive them when they photoshopped my head on a very large body of a lad wearing a t-shirt that read, "I beat anorexia." Not one headlock was delivered!

Oh well. Two weeks until round two of fat camp. Hope everyone notices.......or else.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Godly Fatherhood

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
-Ephesians 6:4

I constantly fail in the area of fatherhood. Yep, I exasperate the heck out of the kiddos. For instance, just tonight all Reed wanted to eat was Sister ShoeBurt dinner rolls & I was opposed to this line of thinking. So I explained that we eat whatever mom makes (unless it is something with veggies) or he needed to get down from the table and read his Bible.

Reed opted for the Scriptures (of course) and spent some time with the Lord. I applaude him in this venture to hide God's Word in his heart. The problem being around bedtime he was hungry and I wouldn't give him anything else to eat...hence the photo. I realize now that in being so focused on Reed not eating the liver and onion recipe by Rachel Ray, I was forcing him to another outlet, mining for gold...MY BAD!

Same thing on the snow day. The boys wanted us to make a snowman with the 5-10 inches of snow we didn't get. Of course when I say "us" I mean daddy.

I determined to make the best snowman on the block, which to be honest was a pretty low bar to begin with, but I feel I tackled it with gusto.

After Frosty lost his body, his head (twice) and his white snow...I finally persevered and got him finished. Our very own sword toting, baseball helmet wearing, gap scarf sporting confused snowman. Obviously on such an occasion you want documentation of the heroic feat of moving snow around a yard, but I hit a bump when A-train and Reed-o were in the house frost-bitten & Luke got camera shy.

Well I was undetered. I scooped the little rascal up and thought, "he will smile when it's time." Not so much, but I did get my pic.

So to all you parentals whose kids will grow up applying the verse "I have made a fool of myself, but you drove me to it" to their dear parents, cheer up you exasperating souls are not alone! There are other dads, moms and granparents screwing up their kids lives, one adventure at a time. :)